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The #NotMyPresident Movement Encourages Peaceful Protests Across the Country

The #NotMyPresident Movement Encourages Peaceful Protests Across the Country

Feb 22, 2017 Dr. Kristina Nelson

Since his election in November, the #NotMyPresident movement has grown across the country, resulting in a large number of protests from groups dissatisfied with the selection of Donald Trump as the new President of the United States.

While the #NotMyPresident movement pushes the concept of non-violent resistance, other protests taking place since November have not always been peaceful. Shortly after the election results were announced, protests in Portland, OR became decidedly violent. This mood resulted in several arrests after the police had felt the protesting had turned into rioting and deemed rioting a “Class C Felony.”

Demonstrations have also taken place near Trump’s buildings in New York and Chicago, and some of those protesting against Trump have clashed in these areas with Trump’s supporters. Trump reacted to the protesting back in November on Twitter, stating: “Just had a very open and successful presidential election. Now professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting. Very unfair!”

Trying to encourage protesting while eliminating violence associated with these other mentioned demonstrations, the #NotMyPresident movement began organizing various peaceful demonstrations against Trump across the country. The goal of the #NotMyPresident movement is to tone down on the rioting, shifting the concept of protesting away from violence while allowing individuals in this country to exercise their right to demonstrate and speak their minds about their political views.

If you wish to take part in any of the peaceful demonstrations organized by the #NotMyPresident movement, there are several taking place soon across the country that will also allow you to exercise your voice about the new president nonviolently.


North Carolina

Maine State House

Salt Lake City

Los Angeles




Marquette, MI




Portland, OR

Murphys, CA

San Francisco

San Diego

Concord, NH (People’s Freedom March)

Kansas City


For more information about events like the #NotMyPresident Movement’s protests, stay with us here at Eventcombo. At Eventcombo, we provide not only the most up to date information about events, but we also offer you the opportunity to sell your tickets online through our website to increase your ticket sales.

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